Starring: Willa Fitzgerald, Kyle Gallner, Ed Begley Jr., and Barbara Hershey
Director: JT Mollner


If you've read my work before, you'll know I often take issue with non-linear timelines. Well, not only does director JT Mollner use the format successfully, but he does so in a way that enhances the overall film. With the concept of Chapters told out of order, it creates an uncertainty and intrigue that is only enhanced by the dynamic lead performances. Willa Fitzgerald and the criminally underrated Kyle Gallner come to play, and they held my attention from beginning to end of this gripping serial killer picture. Whether it’s the direction, the cast, or the story, Strange Darling is a triumph across the board.


If you ever need a prime example of a movie that expertly subverts expectations, look no further than Strange Darling. Playing a bit like Sanctuary but with the throwback horror motifs of Pearl and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, this is a twisty, tense, and thoroughly engaging thrill-ride. It’s also a great example of how to use non-linear storytelling to maximum effect. You’ve probably read my praise for Kyle Gallner in the past (he does solid work here too, no doubt), but he’s ultimately overshadowed by Willa Fitzgerald, whose performance drives everything happening on screen. Kudos to writer-director JT Mollner for creating something special with this one.


Willa Fitzgerald and Kyle Gallner may have delivered two of the most underrated performances of the year in Strange Darling. This sexy, twisted thriller will have you playing a game of cat-and-mouse with your expectations as it manages to have several diabolical tricks up its sleeve. Plus, director JT Mollner's ingenious non-linear storytelling excels in this beautifully shot 35mm gem. Everything from the flashy neon cinematography to the stellar sound design is intense. Go into this flick as blind as possible, and I promise you will enjoy the ride!


I’m usually not a fan of serial killer films, so I was admittedly apprehensive when Strange Darling opened with the claim that it was based on a prolific murder spree. However, this audacious thriller surprised me, constantly subverting my expectations and using my assumptions against me in the best possible ways. The non-linear narrative is used to enhance the impact of the twisty cat-and-mouse chase, and it kept me engaged and constantly guessing. It’s gorgeously shot on 35mm that recalls the look of 1970s horror films, and is driven by forcefully captivating performances from Willa Fitzgerald and Kyle Gallner.
This film was reviewed by Quentin and Nick as part of Bitesize Breakdown's coverage of Fantastic Fest 2023.