Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Cailee Spaeny, Wagner Moura, Stephen McKinley Henderson, and Nick Offerman
Director: Alex Garland


With a number of people calling Civil War a masterpiece while others call it an utter disaster, I was expecting something much more challenging. That said, I'm a little confused by the divisiveness because I found Civil War a little too safe, at least politically. However, as an action-thriller, I was enthralled. Writer/director Alex Garland's epic on how desensitized to war we've become is thrilling as we follow our protagonist across this baron, smartly developed hellscape. What surprised me most, though, was the amount of emotional depth found within the characters. Watch this on an IMAX screen, it's worth it.


Alex Garland was showcasing “event director” potential until the mixed and divisive Men. Well, consider that film a blip because he's back in full force with Civil War. I'm not typically a fan of war films, but this thing is pretty impressive. It's beautifully shot, featuring some flat-out breathtaking moments and unorthodox yet perfectly placed music, but its real triumph is just how immersive it feels. Be it fear, tension, or adrenaline…if the characters feel it, so does the viewer; that’s due to Garland's approach. It’s a spectacular feat by the director, and one that has me once again anticipating his next project.


Even before frame one, Civil War is extravagantly disorienting, using stunning imagery and outstanding performances (especially the always brilliant Stephen McKinley Henderson) to immerse you in every aspect of war. From nerve-wracking silence before the harrowing atrocities of battle, to the calm of humanitarian work and complacency of ignorance, director Alex Garland masterfully puts you in the passenger seat to witness unbiased truth through a journalistic lens. But it’s his use of humor and sound, contrasting an upbeat soundtrack and authentic levity with a haunting score and shocking sound design, that truly uplifts this to the best film of 2024.


Civil War is the first movie of 2024 that you’ll likely see on my “Best Of…” list come year’s end. It’s incredibly immersive, from the way it’s shot to the sound design, featuring a palpable undercurrent of tension running throughout. It genuinely captures what a modern-day American civil war might look and feel like, which is maybe the highest compliment I can deliver — it’s so frighteningly plausible, possible, and realistic. I have a few minor quibbles…Cailee Spaeny looks too young for her role, and the ambiguity and lack of context in the world-building is ever-so-slightly frustrating at times…but the movie remains a winner.


Civil War is a nerve-wracking experience with a distinctive and potent quality derived from its unclear storyline. The thing I most valued is that it's not overbearing in the slightest. It's about experiencing the civil war through the lens of photojournalists, not about the reasons behind it or which side you should support. Director Alex Garland manages to fully submerge you in this tense environment despite the film's absence of an overarching motivation, and this is made possible by the film's stunning cinematography, great sound design, and exceptional performances, especially from Kirsten Dunst and Cailee Spaeny.


Civil War is not as politically charged as I expected, avoiding contemporary political tensions or taking sides while instead focusing on the extraordinary role journalists play in our world today. The result is incredible. Every moment is permeated by a menacing tone and unbearable sense of tension, and the intense scenes of senseless violence paired with the unconventional soundtrack are equally as terrifying as they are exhilarating. The performances are gripping, particularly Kirsten Dunst as the stony-faced photojournalist, and the emotional bonds between the characters are the beating heart of a film set in a world where brutality and death become commonplace.


Just so you know, Civil War happened to be one of my most anticipated films of the first half of 2024. I must admit that my enthusiasm was initially tempered as I was expecting a full-on dystopian war epic that foretells the impending fall of western civilization, something closer to Red Dawn than a movie about war correspondents. In the end, though, it matters little as the haunting cinematography, next-level acting, and pulse-quickening sound tell a story that is well worth reflecting on. If you know what you are in for, this may qualify as one of the best offerings of the year so far.


Civil War is a visceral, terrifying exploration of societal collapse. Director Alex Garland paints a bleak portrait of an America that’s well past the point of political discourse — left and right, good and evil. This film isn’t trying to lecture you, pat you on the back, or shove an ideology down your throat. Instead, Civil War makes the case that no matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on, we’re all headed in the wrong direction. It’s an extremely effective cautionary tale with stellar visual effects, breathtaking cinematography, and outstanding sound design. This may just be Garland’s magnum opus.