Starring: Dylan O’Brien, Eliza Scanlen, Caroline Falk, Lauren Ambrose, Eric Lange, Sam Hennings, and Diana Hopper
Directors: Celine Held and Logan George


A bit of advice: go into Caddo Lake completely blind (like I did) because I can assure you it’s probably not what you are expecting. If you follow that advice, you’ll be rewarded with a moody, intricately layered, puzzle-box mystery that recalls the movies of Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. Admittedly, *I* found it to be a tad predictable, but I suspect those who watch fewer movies than me might have their minds blown. Even still, if you do “figure it out,” the characters, performances, and atmosphere more than make for a compelling viewing experience. Overall, Caddo Lake was a nice and genuine surprise.


Caddo Lake benefits from an outstanding script that manages to take care of the smallest of details, which allows the viewer to relax into its surprising revelation with the knowledge that you are in good hands. It’s a surprising straight-to-streaming release that starts a little slow, but it uses its time wisely to lull you into complacency while simultaneously laying a competent backstory that only adds to the satisfying conclusion. Just trust the process and go in knowing that writers and directors Logan George and Celine Held have everything well in hand.